Sunday, March 11, 2007

The confidence of age

... But these lessons come in more pleasant versions, too, like the word lovemaking. It always seemed melodramatic and a bit disingenuous to me. But when he says (and does) it, there's a willingness to be transparent and vulnerable that I can only imagine comes from all the romantic tumult of the decades between us. He allows himself to rest his head on my chest without mistaking it for weakness, and that, I've realized, is the making of love...

... he has to come with something more than obvious good looks and bright prospects; he has to have that spark that signals a capacity for abiding love, and the certainty of self that allows him to embrace this ever-evolving--sometimes to the point of neurosis--woman. It's the confidence of age...

... men are under such immense pressure to compete and succeed that I'm in no rush to force them into adulthood. But I'm already here, and I need a partner who is, too. Someone who can hear me better. And someone who knows enough to help me better hear myself....

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